DOY’s Philosophy
In today’s competitive financial market, every financial institution is trying to lure customers with new high-tech services and new financial instruments to attract new money. DOY is not in the market to do anything other than provide its savers with the highest possible dividends, provide its borrowers with the lowest possible interest rates, and provide all its members the best and friendliest possible service. DOY does not pretend to be a bank nor try to provide all the services a bank has to offer. This is why you cannot find a better place than DOY for savings, checking, and borrowing. DOY is not driven by the profit motive. There are no outside shareholders to satisfy. All earnings are returned to the membership in the form of lower rates on loans, higher dividends on savings, and better service for its members.
What's a DOY?
DOY is the acronym for Diocese Of Youngstown; however, we are not affiliated with the Diocese in any manner except to define our closed field of membership. DOY is a Federal Credit Union dictated by the rules and regulations of the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), an agency of the Federal Government. All of DOY’s savings accounts are federally insured up to $250,000. The Diocese of Youngstown does not have any input or control concerning the policies or daily operations of DOY. However, many agencies in the Diocese provide payroll deduction and direct deposit as a convenient way for our members to deposit money and/or make loan payments. In case you want the correct pronunciation of our name, just remember DOY rhymes with BOY.
On July 16, 1971, NCUA approved the charter establishing DOY Federal Credit Union. Through our faithful membership's participation, DOY was able to become a great, financially sound credit union.
DOY’s first financial statements indicated $8,576.49 in assets and 169 members. Fifteen of those members received loans. Compare that to today! DOY offers a variety of lending products to suit any need from signature loans to mortgage loans.
The Staff and Management at DOY have worked diligently to create 50 years of Excellence.
- Excellence in customer service
- Excellence in products and services
- Excellence in DOY's commitment to its members
Thank you again to each and every one of our members. Without YOU, DOY could not have prospered.